Part of the Problem, 500–To Many, Many More

Part of the Problem, 500–To Many, Many More

The great Dave Smith and Robbie “The Fire” Bernstein celebrated their 500th podcast episode for “Part of the Problem” doing what they do best: Combining the brilliance of libertarianism with their “funny-because-it’s-so-true” comedy.

In the episode, both list the most influential thinkers who brought them to libertarianism from the left: Ron Paul, George Reisman, Tom Woods, Robert Murphy, Henry Hazlitt, Mises and Rothbard too, of course. They did so with good reason.

However, Smith and Bernstein host a phenomenally popular libertarian podcast which distills and popularizes the fundamentals of the ideology; namely, the zero aggression principle, natural rights, and formulae for human flourishing and prosperity.

In short, they deserve accolades as well.

Now they have to get their Jew asses out of Manhattan and get to Chicago for some shows!

To the best Christian conservative podcast hosts in the world,

Treat us to many more episodes! 


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