Poor Veruca Salt and Salt Water Around the World

Have you ever seen anything as scary as this? A poor, mentally unstable, on-the-spectrum teenager so indoctrinated with false apocalyptic blather that she damns all of humanity? This is the definition of morbid.
She’s crazy spoiled, like Veruca Salt–and just plain crazy too.
Thanks be to God for Andrew Bolt down under…
for Anna:

She’s a deranged, quite annoying, and misguided Lorax.
13 Responses
Greta is such a retard
When one has resorted to bullying a child, they’ve lost. Shame so many bald men are riled up because of her. People don’t have anything better to do so they decide to make a post like these.
Bald-o-phobia is a form of bullying. How dare you?
Bald face lie= global cooling… wait, nope it’s acid rain… wait, nope it has to be global warming… wait, now it has to be something so semantically bendable that no one could possibly challenge it… GOT IT!= climate change!
Bald or not, but especially bald, Richied actually is a handsome devil–reminds me of a brighter “Handsome Rob” from THE ITALIAN JOB.
Bald stupidity= Ismael’s dumb ass intersectionality that white dudes can’t criticize someone who is advocating for mass genocide.
I’m complimented.
Jason Statham is insulted…
Oh, one more thing: The whole “how un-Christian of you” thing is so PLAYED.
Bad people with bad ideas deserve our scorn and reprobation.
Her ideas–if turned to policy–would result in MASS STARVATION and IMPOVERISHMENT.
Going out on a limb here: I’m against both.
Does this strike you as a Christian way to speak about a teenager, much less anyone? Mocking her mental capacities and calling her “scary” and “crazy”? Her words are moving hundreds of millions of people to get talking about an issue she’s passionate about- cause for praise in literally any instance.
If you don’t believe the science on climate change not even God can help you but frankly please consider speaking more kindly about people, especially young people doing what they can to try to change the world.
See updated post above.
So, I’m supposed to treat her as an authority on climate change as a teenager, but she’s also off limits re: criticism because she’s a teenager?!
Plus, the supposed “millions of people” who are talking about climate change because of this poor young woman who is a victim of the worst sort of apocalyptic and false indoctrination–many more were turned off of your movement because Greta was used as little more than a sock-puppet to advance this radical, anti-human agenda.
BTW, world’s not ending in 12 years. See all of you for Thanksgiving, 2032? God willing! However, if God doesn’t win the day and AOC and the Thunberg’s have their way, Thanksgiving attendance will be down. Way down.
Shame on her PARENTS, who are putting their troubled child on this national stage. Anxiety, depression- sure let’s make her the global spokesperson of a major movement. Fly her around the world, and then when her 15 minutes of fame cease, then what? You don’t think when this stops, that she won’t curl up into a ball in her bedroom wondering why the TV appearances and magazine covers have moved on to other subjects?
She’s a puppet and I strongly question the ethics and morals of the leaders of the climate change movement. If they are so reckless about taking advantage of a child to further their cause, I wonder how reckless they are with presenting, possibly manipulating evidence of the facts/evidence of the science in itself.
Sing it, sister, or brother or zie or whatever you identify as DLS!
Enough with the cc bullshit.
Climate scientists are funded by the government. I wonder what would happen to said funding if these scientists fail to advance the climate change narrative???
The science, the experts: how are they doing now?
Coronavirus, Panic 2008, climate change?
How many times do the experts get to get things so wrong before calling them experts becomes a joke?