
The Dogged (Actual) Liberal: Deirdre McCloskey

Her historical perspective has been pointed and consistent even as her gender identification has not. The brilliant and endlessly insightful Deirdre McCloskey has released her new book, really a collection of fine essays, which tackles the questions of real wealth creation, British imperialism and the Great Enrichment–a period of history in which we are truly…
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The DMV–Department of Menacing Viruses

The reeducation camps have been working assiduously for years, decades now to impart a singular message that the student-prisoners just cannot seem to get through their thick, common-sense nourished and fortified skulls; namely, government is beneficent, cognizant, and omnipotent. The student-prisoners consist of those beyond the obviously shackled in Bismarck-Mann public Schulen because the traditional…
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The Mandatory All-In, Let it Ride

As Bernie Sanders stalks the Democratic nomination, pushing aside Mayor Pete, Leg-Hair Joe, and Pocahontas, this piece from economist Alexander Salter is a must read. While the 2020 contest for the White House is sure to be entertaining, and if there is a Sanders vs Trump matchup that would force the country into a greater…
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