Tag: anarcho-capitalism


Post-Persuasion Me?

To peaceably persuade or convince others of an argument is (probably) still a noble thing. I suppose it is dependent entirely upon the veracity and value of the conclusion. In business, Henry Ford convinced his associates and financiers that Americans could and would purchase a bare-bones automobile en masse, and that he possessed the technical…
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A Very Long Six Months

One of my favorite all-time movies is a French film starring the captivating Audrey Tautou, Une Si Longue Dimanche des Fiançailles or A Very Long Engagement. If you have not seen it, you’re a lesser person and should check it out. Epic. Reason for the mention here is simply that, per the old joke that…
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Catholic Populism Must Start With Suspicion of the State

Looks as though the French, the Spanish, and the Italians–for all of the reports of Catholicism dying in Europe–are ahead of the game here. There’s a historical reason for that. Below is my exchange today with the great Anthony Stine.  

More Dead in O-HI-O

Neil Young can go pound sand for his advocacy of forcefully injecting poison genetic serum into people around the globe. But, those of a certain vintage can recall that he once had a veritable rebel spirit when he wrote and performed ‘(Four Dead in) Ohio’ in response to the Kent State Massacre in 1970. Guaranteed:…
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The Monopoly on Violence

As the old joke goes: “What is the difference between a minarchist and an anarchist?” A: About six months. The joke now needs to be amended to six months and/or this documentary. Thanks to everyone at Stateless Productions. Note: Duncan Lemp helped crowdfund this venture. God rest his soul.   DONATE NOW  

Mises v. Marx: AIER Just Put Out Some Amazing Stuff

The brilliance of these pieces: a rap video, a post rap video analysis of the winner, and then a sardonic yet accurate review of Marx the economist… It’s all here for you: 3 red pills–might want to take one at a time.   

A Libertarian Anthem?

Consider: no envy, no perceived injustice that needs to be rectified because your neighbor is just a little bit taller, a better baller, or has a girl on his phone and calls her. No socialism. Consider: no fear, no trepidation of the other, no desire to make him more civilized with elite tastes and the…
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The Fate of the Future: The Prescience of Murray Rothbard

Already, within a week of the launch of Hot H2O History, two subscribers (special shout-out to one emerging and new convert to libertarianism hailing from Milwaukee) have asked, then inquired, then demanded that I address those who are first being exposed to libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism and Austrian economics by offering something of an introduction to it…
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