Tag: Barack Obama


Kish Me Once, Kish Me Twice

*As published on the Mises Wire w/Audio Mises Wire. Kish, since you are wondering, is an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf famed for its tourist and shopping attractions. It is becoming a serious rival to other nearby vacation hubs in Doha and Dubai. Along with pristine beaches and extensive malls, Kish is–or more so…
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Left vs. Left

A puzzling conflict rages today. Admittedly, it has been going on for some time now, especially since every Western leftist should be in the course of wild eyed revelry since the Big Bad Orangeman is gone. If you’re not on the modern left of the political spectrum, the quarrel might be hard to notice at…
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To Russia With Love: An Open Letter to Vladimir Putin

Dear Mr. Putin, It was with some considerable alarm today–although I must admit now that it seems foolish to me even as I write it–that I greeted my day with the distinct displeasure of turning on the American cable news networks. How could I expect anything but an admixture of nausea and frustration? Unfortunately, it…
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Joe Biden: Magic Man

With just a wave of the hand and some mystical power emanating from that weird semi-mullet, tuft of hair on his neck, Joe Biden accomplishes the amazing, even the incomprehensible. He “won” an election (barring some magic of her own from Sidney Powell) in which his opponent recorded gains in minority votes while simultaneously winning…
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No One Ever Said ‘Be Like Barry’

The world knows now that ‘The Last Dance’ is the best documentary film in history. That’s right; you heard me Ken Burns with all your smug, pseudo-history on the Civil War, The War, baseball and jazz. Perhaps only two things surpass the greatness of the ESPN doc series: The thrill of living through the 90’s–as…
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Flattening the Curve is Today’s WMD

18 years ago.101 years ago. Same problem, but not without solutions. And, no, illegally quarantining people is not one of them. There is so much relevant historical perspective here, even if at first peering through the looking glass of history it does not seem as such. Almost a score ago, the Bush administration, run by…
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