Tag: Black Lives Matter


Down with the Institutionalists

Leave it to American people storming their own legislative building to get Lindsay Graham, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell to clutch their pearls and scurry into underground tunnels for safety. Why–this is the greatest affront to American democracy… ever! They may have a point, especially when you consider how Mitch and company define…
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Through Thick and Thin

It is tense these days, inside the circle of the liberty movement, because crises require self-definition. Riots, unending wars, intense social isolation, COVid hysteria, and a hyperactive, sore-loser yet still emboldened left in the middle of a presidential election cycle–it’s a natural time to convey with conviction one’s identity. Let’s face it then–there is no…
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Cancel Culture is Cancelling Culture… Gleefully

Gone are the once-thought-to-be horrible days when the left-cathedral excommunicated individuals. This was all of the past three decades up to about three months ago. Those burned at the progressive auto-da-fes are too numerous to mention. Some standouts: Robert Bork (thanks Joe Biden), James Damore, David Daleiden, Jordan Peterson and other college professors slightly to…
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Bizarro World

If you feel out of place today, that is because you are normal. No, not in the derogatory “normie”, “blue-pilled” way, but in the well-adjusted, emotionally-stable, confident human being senses of the term. You have meaningful relationships. You enjoy physical, social interaction even conversation with other human beings. You, like me, detest “Eyes Wide Shut”…
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