Tag: California


Spengler, Stantz, Zeddemore and Venkman Were Right… What If We’re Wrong?!

Then, it won’t be Slimer or Zuul, the Gate Keeper or the Key Master who end up in the trap. This COVID-19 thing is an unwarranted hysteria that governments local, provincial, national–the world over have created. I mean, how many times do the mass media outlets have to echo the same talking points until someone…
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Pot Legal in Illinois–God Save the Right; Other Not-So-Lit State Laws

Q: A blunt and a blintz then for you Governor? Gov. Pritzker: Why, yes! I’ll have the double order. I sure hope that these dopes in Illinois don’t pay attention to the inordinate taxes I’m taking out from sanctioned pot now. I’ll tell them it’s all going to fund state pensions and the prisons, I…
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