Tag: capital


Hoppe Strikes Back (at the Empire) Again

God only knows the extent to which I hate Star Wars, so I am not even sure why (outside of engaging in eutrapalia) I made that allusion in the title… Shrug. On Hans-Hermann Hoppe: the great Michael Rectenwald just shared this on FB as he was pouring over Hoppe’s essay, “Marxist and Austrian Class Analysis”:…
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First 100 Days Ear Plug Mandate (and Womandate)

Friends, Romans, Countrymen and Countrywomen of course, do cover your ears (after this brief public service message): It is not by compulsion or coercion, and certainly not by force or violence, but by the dulcet tones and unassailable logos of my rhetoric that I implore you–for your health and sanity–to don ear plugs for the…
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