Tag: Catholic


George Neumayr, Requiescat in Pace

I am shocked and saddened by news from Côte d’Ivoire that George Neumayr, senior editor at the American Spectator, author of The Political Pope, and faithful authentic Catholic man, has died. I was set to interview George on our podcast just this past Wednesday. When he did not show up for our intercontinental Zoom, I…
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The “I-Word”

During Lent, we Catholics are instructed not to say the “A-word”, i.e. “alleluia”. It’s use is suspended until Easter. In the worlds of politics, economics, and finance, agents this season are leery of using the “I-word” namely “inflation” unless it is a referent to a phenomenon immediately dismissed as unworthy of concern. After all, the…
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Film Review: Fatima (2020)

It must be admitted–albeit reluctantly–that film is an elusive media for the things I hold most dear; namely, Catholicism and the liberty movement. Catholic faith-based films, often in spite of some sizable budgets, come off as overly saccharine, inauthentic and corny. Liberty themed films usually meet the same fate. There are exceptions of course. Mel…
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Catholic Fun Fact Quiz

Get this wrong, and I’ll come and slap you like the (anti)Pope! Just kidding–I’m not that violent… Good luck! Loading…

Honoring Bergoglio

From the National Catholic Register’s Edward Pentin, Francis is “honored” to be criticized by, you know, ORTHODOX American CATHOLICS. I’m pleased to “honor” him over and over again: for his negligence of office, his distaste for theology(!), his aiding and sheltering of abusers, his heterodoxy and socialism, his ridiculously thin-skin… So here’s to you, Caudillo-Pope.…
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A Blessed Ash Wednesday to All–From Indiana Jones and Me…

Fr. Strebola, O.P. really got me today. A blessed and holy Lent to all Christians. Remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return: We thirst for His grace and salvation. *Henry Jones Sr. and Indy were right in The Last Crusade: Only the penitent man will pass.