Tag: CO-Vid hysteria


A Putin’s Progress

It was bound to happen. Once Russian forces invaded Ukraine, figures from both the right and the left fell into their binary, vacuous thought pits. They proceeded to direct Twitter fits at libertarians and anarchists like dear little ol’ me. My response is one to ponder:     So, when both your midwit conservative neighbor…
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A President for All Neurotics, Karens, and Big Pharma Execs

Totalitarianism, modern history has shown, usually comes in the form of charismatic leaders whose speeches were, at the very least, consistent and entertaining. I mean, no Nazi left the Nuremburg rallies in 1934 saying, “Well, that was uninspiring!” or “Meh.” No actual fascist departed from a Mussolini speech and turned to their fellow authoritarian and…
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Contra Cupich

What an embarrassment. Blase Cupich is a priest who was CONSTANTLY at the bottom of his seminary classes–and in the era he attended–that Is quite the feat. One had to almost try to be dense in that collection of low wits. Blase Cupich is a bishop who when in Spokane, urged seminarians in his diocese…
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A Trip Down the Memory Hole on Viruses

Let’s have some fun, acknowledging of course that logic and rhetoric have been dubbed as white supremacist (but what hasn’t already by now?, ex. all those racist cows that keep producing white milk). Odd that the left continues to argue that they own “the science” because: 1) Nothing is more “Western” than science, and 2)…
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Not So Funny Business: Is Seinfeld’s New York (Or Chicago) Dead?

All due deference to the man who is the namesake of and one of the geniuses behind the greatest American sit-com about nothing, but in the recent war/argument/discussion/exchange/girly-slapfest over the status and future of New York City, it is hard to award dear Jerry with a win. It was indeed Seinfeld who played a novel,…
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