Tag: Deep State


My Fourth of July with Per Bylund

Long gone are the previous American Independence days when I naively participated in all of the practices that bespoke of true American patriotism. Sure, barbeques are still good. Fireworks, ok. Seeing Old Glory everywhere–fine. Parades are still horrible. But, all of the attendant feelings I was supposed to experience and honestly wanted to believe, have…
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Still President

Is there anything more galling than the media establishment insisting that there are no credible instances of fraud in the election just as the accounts of outright criminality mount to the point of being innumerable? Perhaps Joe Robinette Biden and his sidekick who he advocated should not get bused to a white school, appearing and…
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The Question No One Ever Asks… About MLK

  While the Left does the Clinton two-step (Well, it’s permissible if he abused women because of what he stood for…) and the Right is sure to point the hypocrisy finger (What happened to #MeToo?) all of tomorrow, you know what is never asked and certainly has yet to be answered? If the FBI knew…
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California Brewery Toasts to the Deep State, Clinton Regime and the British Royals

Tactical OPS Brewing has accepted the role of disseminating news and truth (somebody has to do it–the mainstream media sure won’t as Project Veritas proved this week) that Implicator-in-Chief Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself. The Deep State establishment on this side and the other of “the pond” made sure of Epstein’s demise. Cheers!