Tag: Donald Trump


Kish Me Once, Kish Me Twice

*As published on the Mises Wire w/Audio Mises Wire. Kish, since you are wondering, is an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf famed for its tourist and shopping attractions. It is becoming a serious rival to other nearby vacation hubs in Doha and Dubai. Along with pristine beaches and extensive malls, Kish is–or more so…
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Left vs. Left

A puzzling conflict rages today. Admittedly, it has been going on for some time now, especially since every Western leftist should be in the course of wild eyed revelry since the Big Bad Orangeman is gone. If you’re not on the modern left of the political spectrum, the quarrel might be hard to notice at…
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Welcome Back Hibatullah

Those wacky Taliban fighters have gone and confirmed what the least bit observant among us have long known: The American “war on terror” and century-plus (at least) experiment in nation building is a farce and a failure. As I glanced upon the picture above, I couldn’t help but think that these guys look like the…
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Down with the Institutionalists

Leave it to American people storming their own legislative building to get Lindsay Graham, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell to clutch their pearls and scurry into underground tunnels for safety. Why–this is the greatest affront to American democracy… ever! They may have a point, especially when you consider how Mitch and company define…
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Thou Shalt Not Drink From the Tree of Life and Fun

So the state (New York in this case but it could have been and has indeed been, anywhere) tried to repeatedly ruin Danny Presti’s livelihood, and as a result, he put an undercover sheriff on his car hood. I hope his car was not damaged. In a just world, this Mr. Presti would get medals,…
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Joe Biden: Magic Man

With just a wave of the hand and some mystical power emanating from that weird semi-mullet, tuft of hair on his neck, Joe Biden accomplishes the amazing, even the incomprehensible. He “won” an election (barring some magic of her own from Sidney Powell) in which his opponent recorded gains in minority votes while simultaneously winning…
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Still President

Is there anything more galling than the media establishment insisting that there are no credible instances of fraud in the election just as the accounts of outright criminality mount to the point of being innumerable? Perhaps Joe Robinette Biden and his sidekick who he advocated should not get bused to a white school, appearing and…
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Election and Secession

We sort of deserve this, do we not? A tie. Before you Democrats out there get all a tither because you heard on CNN that a tie means this election gets tossed to the House of Representatives, read your Constitution again. In such a scenario, each STATE’s representation in the House gets one vote. And…
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A Trip Down the Memory Hole on Viruses

Let’s have some fun, acknowledging of course that logic and rhetoric have been dubbed as white supremacist (but what hasn’t already by now?, ex. all those racist cows that keep producing white milk). Odd that the left continues to argue that they own “the science” because: 1) Nothing is more “Western” than science, and 2)…
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54°40′, 17 And Fight!

Yes! Thank God for you, Brian Urlacher! Finally someone had the balls (and balls are in such short supply these days) to state the obvious: NBA, MLB, NFL, and WNBA (that still exists?!) players who “protest” the shooting of criminal black men by police while in the city that Urlacher played for, truly innocent blacks…
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