Tag: Donald Trump


Flattening the Curve is Today’s WMD

18 years ago.101 years ago. Same problem, but not without solutions. And, no, illegally quarantining people is not one of them. There is so much relevant historical perspective here, even if at first peering through the looking glass of history it does not seem as such. Almost a score ago, the Bush administration, run by…
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Collective Moral High Ground is About An Inch from Hell

Haven’t we had enough of this thing already? The pseudo-cure and hysteria rising from it are certainly worse than the virus. Quarantines have NEVER proven to be successful in combating pandemics. Add to the imposed isolation economic misery, supply downturns, mass unemployment and governments blowing up their currencies, well, how long can the ruling class…
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The Mandatory All-In, Let it Ride

As Bernie Sanders stalks the Democratic nomination, pushing aside Mayor Pete, Leg-Hair Joe, and Pocahontas, this piece from economist Alexander Salter is a must read. While the 2020 contest for the White House is sure to be entertaining, and if there is a Sanders vs Trump matchup that would force the country into a greater…
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Trump the Alpha Male to John Bolton

Trump. Love him or hate him, he’s so alpha. The guy wowed at the March for Life, bitch-slapped John Bolton and will soon be acquitted after impeachment–all in about 10 days! Trump proved (even after he fired him) that he’s still Bolton’s boss! Wild. I especially liked that Trump recognized how dangerous and war-hungry that…
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Where, Oh Where Did Stephen Colbert’s Talent Go?

When was the last time Stephen Colbert was actually funny? I can’t bring myself to watch his monologues anymore, but I am subjected to some one-liners on promos and YouTube adverts, and man is this guy unfunny. If you can’t be funny in the age of Trump, dear Lord, when can you? I mean, Showtime…
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Hawks By Any Other Name and Clothing

“Soleimani” from the Farsi via the Arabic means “man of peace”. I don’t know what “Trump” means from Old Nordic, nor do I much care. What I do care about, and the rest of the world ought to care about, is that these men and their aggressor cronies, vacuous neo-cons and lap-dog yes-men talk about…
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Wall Street Journal Doing an Onion Impression?

HA! In the black text box above it reads: NATIONAL SECURITY PICK- TRUMP NAMES HOSTAGE NEGOTIATOR ROBERT O’BRIEN TO SUCCEED JOHN BOLTON. N.B. Because we need more Mitt Romney advisors in the administration. Ironically, Trump is the hostage, his hands tied if not his mouth gagged by the deep state. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s…
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Creepy Man, Creepy Mustache

  President Trump finally fired a guy who know one knew why he hired in the first place. Hopefully now the administration can go about–I don’t know–ending the LONGEST WAR IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Nearly two decades of protecting thieves, murderers, child rapists, and poppy farmers… You go, U.S. foreign policy establishment!