Tag: feminism


Elk Deer and How Women Love Us for OUR Racks

True master of several arts: history, philosophy, podcasting, martial and (almost there in…) economics–Thaddeus Russell just posted his interview with the sublime Warren Farrell, hated truth-teller. Topics covered include gender roles, parenting, developmental psychology, the history of women’s and men’s liberation (former is much more storied and longer than the latter), the Cold War and…
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Soured on Sowers

The narrative was all but written out. Commercials spoke of the disintegration of the glass ceiling, the female takeover of the world and of the great beyond of space. The dual-female halftime show showed more ass than if both quarterbacks had GoPros on their wrists the entire game. Not that I am against Shakira and…
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Oh, So That’s What Intersectionality Means?!

I have long been confused by the term “intersectionality”–mainly because it constitutes nothing but modern cultural Marxist blather–but thanks to the astute and pretentious students (that is an admission requirement) at Notre Dame, I’ve finally figured it out. BuzzFeed is reporting that a mother wrote a letter against female students wearing leggings to Mass. Per…
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Misandry and Its Discontents and Its Injustices

Cassie Jaye deserves some sort of medal, award or honor. Sure, it took heroic courage to release The Red Pill. But, all the more impressive was that–though she identified herself as a feminist at the start of the project–she ultimately came to recognize the axiomatic religiosity of radical, second wave feminism; that it is nothing…
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