Tag: Frédéric Bastiat


The Audaciously Hypocritical Mr. Musk

In this age in which consistency of thought is an anomaly and standing by principle is an arcane relic, Elon Musk still has managed to stand out among the mob. After months if not years of endorsing Bitcoin as an alternative to the fiat currencies of the globe, Musk took to the cockpit of the…
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If Our Draconian, Totalitarian Measures Save Just One 89-Year Old With COPD and a Month to Live While We Sanction the Murder of Thousands–Well, It Is Worth It

It should not be a surprise that the best writing on the COVID insanity/hysteria comes from the always brilliant and erudite Jorg Guido Hulsmann. That he reports from France and that he understands our current madness within the nation that has produced such heroes of liberty (DeTocqueville, Bastiat) and on the other extreme, Marats, Dantons,…
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When You’re Hated on the Left, and When You’re Hated on the Right, You Do the Hokey-Pokey and You’re Hated Even More…

…that’s what it’s all about, for true libertarians, past and present: Bastiat, Molinari, and me. David Hart explains Bastiat’s genius here in that he recognized, yes, the impingements of government on producers, but more so the devastation wrought by central planners on consumers. Both are forgotten groups in history.