Tag: freedom


Post-Persuasion Me?

To peaceably persuade or convince others of an argument is (probably) still a noble thing. I suppose it is dependent entirely upon the veracity and value of the conclusion. In business, Henry Ford convinced his associates and financiers that Americans could and would purchase a bare-bones automobile en masse, and that he possessed the technical…
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Watch It Fall: A Lament

“How long until there’s nothing left at all?” This is the season, this is the time of lamentation. I suspect that bluegrass, perhaps along with just the plain old blues, might be the only two musical genres fit to express the sentiments of the remnant of the healthy and the sane, we who are left…
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St. Joseph: Father, Worker, Rebel

He was a skilled carpenter. He wed a woman who was pregnant and not with his child. He travelled with his wife to Bethlehem, and there he witnessed awake what he had only experienced in dreams. He quieted his mind and heart so as to always listen to God and his messengers. He fled to…
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The Gates of Wrath

There they are. Bill and Melinda Gates. You might wonder what has them so gleeful these days, you know, with the rest of the world languishing under anti-scientific lockdowns and the apparent triumph of totalitarian governments over the people while the elites bleat on about Trump being yet another “danger to our democracy”. Today, Macron…
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Truth, Justice, the American Way… and a Face Mask

Metropolis, Illinois features a Superman museum, festival and giant Superman statue that now dons a face mask. After all, if as it seems about half of Americans prefer slavishly following government dictates, clutching at perceived security, and obeying the “science” of experts who change their assertions daily as opposed to guarding actual freedom, engaging in…
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Frédéric Bastiat and the State-breakers

Brilliant. Consistent. Principled. As a true liberal or libertarian of today’s stripes, Frédéric Bastiat warred against the state in 19th France wherein there were few allies for him to find. He was to liberty what Jimmy Hendrix was to American rock-and-roll; a virtuoso who died way too young. Still, he lives on though his masterpieces.…
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Rousseau, the French Revolutionaries, Ho Chi Minh… and You

Central to the tenets and legacy of Enlightenment thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the notion of the general will drives the left to this day. It sounds democratic—but it is not. It is, the idea of the general will, an elaborate justification for a kind of intellectual aristocracy rising to power. Envision a group of Plato’s philosopher…
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