Tag: French Revolution


Catholic Populism Must Start With Suspicion of the State

Looks as though the French, the Spanish, and the Italians–for all of the reports of Catholicism dying in Europe–are ahead of the game here. There’s a historical reason for that. Below is my exchange today with the great Anthony Stine.  

Every Little Thing He Does is Tragic

Leftists suffer from a lack of patience. Even as they attempt to remake society and refashion the mass’s tastes, preferences, and predilections while safeguarding already stolen wealth for themselves–reality ends up setting in and reality bites. It kicks them in the face, for their fanciful dreams of kleptocratic utopia are naturally at odds with nature,…
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Storming the Vatican

Pope Francis is a reprobate and a heretic. He should have been deposed long ago. The Catholic faithful and people of good faith throughout the world really deserve someone who actually has an original thought in his head. We deserve a pope who views Sacred Scripture and Sacred Doctrine not as confining obstacles but rather…
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Cancel Culture is Cancelling Culture… Gleefully

Gone are the once-thought-to-be horrible days when the left-cathedral excommunicated individuals. This was all of the past three decades up to about three months ago. Those burned at the progressive auto-da-fes are too numerous to mention. Some standouts: Robert Bork (thanks Joe Biden), James Damore, David Daleiden, Jordan Peterson and other college professors slightly to…
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If Our Draconian, Totalitarian Measures Save Just One 89-Year Old With COPD and a Month to Live While We Sanction the Murder of Thousands–Well, It Is Worth It

It should not be a surprise that the best writing on the COVID insanity/hysteria comes from the always brilliant and erudite Jorg Guido Hulsmann. That he reports from France and that he understands our current madness within the nation that has produced such heroes of liberty (DeTocqueville, Bastiat) and on the other extreme, Marats, Dantons,…
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The Mandatory All-In, Let it Ride

As Bernie Sanders stalks the Democratic nomination, pushing aside Mayor Pete, Leg-Hair Joe, and Pocahontas, this piece from economist Alexander Salter is a must read. While the 2020 contest for the White House is sure to be entertaining, and if there is a Sanders vs Trump matchup that would force the country into a greater…
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Rousseau, the French Revolutionaries, Ho Chi Minh… and You

Central to the tenets and legacy of Enlightenment thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the notion of the general will drives the left to this day. It sounds democratic—but it is not. It is, the idea of the general will, an elaborate justification for a kind of intellectual aristocracy rising to power. Envision a group of Plato’s philosopher…
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