Tag: genocide


We Look Away

Recently, I got to go to Las Vegas for a few days. I had great time walking the Strip. I really enjoyed some off-the-beaten path adventures with my wife, including a magic show in a speakeasy and some gourmet donuts from Saint Honoré Bakery. They even had fantastic pizza, so breakfast and lunch were covered…
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Jorge and Nancy Sitting in the Tree…

K-I-L-L-I-N-G. Boy is Pope Francis chummy with a woman who actively promotes and even finances (with her own money and ours) the murder of babies in the womb. And why should this shock us by any degree? I’m not saying that the Pope and his cadre of yes men are communing with the Devil, but…
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The Most Dangerous Place

N.B. The following are selections from my talk at St. Mary’s Church, Riverside, Illinois, January 12, 2020. When they had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going…
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Bloomberg for Abortion

Great football Saturday was almost ruined by Michael Bloomberg political ads, one of which caught my attention. I should say, part of one which caught my eye. There’s Whiny, Paternalistic Mikey trumpeting his support for “women’s reproductive rights” amid pink Planned Parenthood signs. Come on, Mikey! You and the rest of the abortion killing machine…
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