Tag: Greta Thunberg


Purple Reign

Back in 1994, the hard rock/punk/alternative band Bad Religion released their album Stranger Than Fiction. One of the tracks was a pretty immediate hit: “21st Century Digital Boy”. Creepy video, but not as creepy as the progressive-secular religion of today. Oh, for 1994 again… After reading Matt Purple’s piece on perhaps the most annoyingly mindless…
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The Anti-Human Meeting of the Elites in Glasgow

Leave it to the Great Resetters to hold their meeting to resolve the self-described “climate crisis” in a city whose very existence is owed to the unearthing and continual burning of fossil fuels. What would Glasgow be, after all, without coal and oil and heavy industry and James Watt? I’ll tell you: it would be…
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While Greta Was Away…

So, what has been going on in dear Greta’s homeland while she’s been ditching school excoriating the rest of humanity for daring to raise themselves out of abject poverty? A Swedish mother carrying her 1-year old was shot in the head. Radicalized Muslim gangs have taken over significant cities in the country and engaged in…
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Poor Veruca Salt and Salt Water Around the World

Have you ever seen anything as scary as this? A poor, mentally unstable, on-the-spectrum teenager so indoctrinated with false apocalyptic blather that she damns all of humanity? This is the definition of morbid. She’s crazy spoiled, like Veruca Salt–and just plain crazy too. Thanks be to God for Andrew Bolt down under… for Anna: