Tag: Hans-Hermann Hoppe


Post-Persuasion Me?

To peaceably persuade or convince others of an argument is (probably) still a noble thing. I suppose it is dependent entirely upon the veracity and value of the conclusion. In business, Henry Ford convinced his associates and financiers that Americans could and would purchase a bare-bones automobile en masse, and that he possessed the technical…
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A Very Long Six Months

One of my favorite all-time movies is a French film starring the captivating Audrey Tautou, Une Si Longue Dimanche des Fiançailles or A Very Long Engagement. If you have not seen it, you’re a lesser person and should check it out. Epic. Reason for the mention here is simply that, per the old joke that…
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Hoppe Strikes Back (at the Empire) Again

God only knows the extent to which I hate Star Wars, so I am not even sure why (outside of engaging in eutrapalia) I made that allusion in the title… Shrug. On Hans-Hermann Hoppe: the great Michael Rectenwald just shared this on FB as he was pouring over Hoppe’s essay, “Marxist and Austrian Class Analysis”:…
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Libertarianism Good or Bad?

An informative and enlightening debate about not just the strengths and weaknesses of libertarianism, but, given Yaron Brook’s espousal of all things Ayn Rand, some insights on objectivism as well. It was a good debate in that it left me pondering questions for which I have no real clear answers. Those follow after my own…
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The Difference Between a Minarchist and an Anarchist…

…used to be, as the joke among anarchists went, about six months. Thanks to the great Michael Malice, it has been reduced to the time in which you can get your hands on and read this book. It fills a void. More so, it introduces the thinking and worldviews of the most consequential and persuasive…
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