Tag: Hillary Clinton


My Fourth of July with Per Bylund

Long gone are the previous American Independence days when I naively participated in all of the practices that bespoke of true American patriotism. Sure, barbeques are still good. Fireworks, ok. Seeing Old Glory everywhere–fine. Parades are still horrible. But, all of the attendant feelings I was supposed to experience and honestly wanted to believe, have…
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Joe Biden: Magic Man

With just a wave of the hand and some mystical power emanating from that weird semi-mullet, tuft of hair on his neck, Joe Biden accomplishes the amazing, even the incomprehensible. He “won” an election (barring some magic of her own from Sidney Powell) in which his opponent recorded gains in minority votes while simultaneously winning…
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Clintons–With Chelsea in Tow–Visited the Epstein Compound

Watch this story get buried by the left consensus media faster than the actual Epstein.