Tag: Illinois


Three Cheers (and Three-Peat) for Corruption

In a city famous for NBA three-peats, the new three-peat that has a much higher probability to continue into a dynasty of sorts, is that Chicago again ranks as the most corrupt city in the United States. And, it is not even close. The University of Illinois list of the most graft-ridden metropoleis in America…
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FreedomFest Review

Day 1 Sioux Falls is bigger than I expected. Almost 200,000 people. Very nice downtown. Aside from a generally weird, smelly and unhelpful Walgreens clerk, the people are extremely friendly and welcoming. Economy is clearly booming here. Labor shortage is acute, post-Covid hysteria. Restaurants and shops have reduced hours and seating. A lot of very…
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The Difference Between a Minarchist and an Anarchist…

…used to be, as the joke among anarchists went, about six months. Thanks to the great Michael Malice, it has been reduced to the time in which you can get your hands on and read this book. It fills a void. More so, it introduces the thinking and worldviews of the most consequential and persuasive…
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An Alabama for Alabamans… And Me

The famed early theologian of the Church, Tertullian, is said to have exclaimed, “What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?!” Of course, he was speaking from the point of frustration, even exasperation, about contemporaries who from Tertullian’s perspective over-emphasized philosophy at the expense of faithful ascent to revelation. What does Illinois have to do…
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Truth, Justice, the American Way… and a Face Mask

Metropolis, Illinois features a Superman museum, festival and giant Superman statue that now dons a face mask. After all, if as it seems about half of Americans prefer slavishly following government dictates, clutching at perceived security, and obeying the “science” of experts who change their assertions daily as opposed to guarding actual freedom, engaging in…
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Spengler, Stantz, Zeddemore and Venkman Were Right… What If We’re Wrong?!

Then, it won’t be Slimer or Zuul, the Gate Keeper or the Key Master who end up in the trap. This COVID-19 thing is an unwarranted hysteria that governments local, provincial, national–the world over have created. I mean, how many times do the mass media outlets have to echo the same talking points until someone…
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Pot Legal in Illinois–God Save the Right; Other Not-So-Lit State Laws

Q: A blunt and a blintz then for you Governor? Gov. Pritzker: Why, yes! I’ll have the double order. I sure hope that these dopes in Illinois don’t pay attention to the inordinate taxes I’m taking out from sanctioned pot now. I’ll tell them it’s all going to fund state pensions and the prisons, I…
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Who Was There for This Little Boy?

1. He was born with heroin in his system. 2. Weened off of drugs for the first few months of his life, he was placed in foster care with a relative. 3. An Illinois state court returned him to his demonic parents despite repeated reports of abuse and squalor inside the home. 4. Employees from…
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