Tag: inflation


Bad German

It just so happens that I have a very Anglicized German surname. As such, both its spelling and its pronunciation, post-alteration, happen to be be all messed up. I spoke of this on the massive hit episode of The Delingpod with the great James Delingpole. Both my heritage and the unfortunate, historical mutilation of my…
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Every Little Thing He Does is Tragic

Leftists suffer from a lack of patience. Even as they attempt to remake society and refashion the mass’s tastes, preferences, and predilections while safeguarding already stolen wealth for themselves–reality ends up setting in and reality bites. It kicks them in the face, for their fanciful dreams of kleptocratic utopia are naturally at odds with nature,…
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The Audaciously Hypocritical Mr. Musk

In this age in which consistency of thought is an anomaly and standing by principle is an arcane relic, Elon Musk still has managed to stand out among the mob. After months if not years of endorsing Bitcoin as an alternative to the fiat currencies of the globe, Musk took to the cockpit of the…
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The “I-Word”

During Lent, we Catholics are instructed not to say the “A-word”, i.e. “alleluia”. It’s use is suspended until Easter. In the worlds of politics, economics, and finance, agents this season are leery of using the “I-word” namely “inflation” unless it is a referent to a phenomenon immediately dismissed as unworthy of concern. After all, the…
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