Tag: Jeff Deist


Post-Persuasion Me?

To peaceably persuade or convince others of an argument is (probably) still a noble thing. I suppose it is dependent entirely upon the veracity and value of the conclusion. In business, Henry Ford convinced his associates and financiers that Americans could and would purchase a bare-bones automobile en masse, and that he possessed the technical…
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Anatomy of a Disagreement

Why I am an anarcho-capitalist is summarized in this fantastic episode of the Human Action Podcast, hosted by the ineffable Jeff Deist with the great Ryan McMaken. To read Murray Rothbard’s Anatomy of the State is to open up a worldview that I can only equate to going on a hot air balloon ride and…
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Maryland Hunts Its Citizens with Unaccountable Paramilitary Force

The fact that the murder of Duncan Lemp has garnered so little attention across the country and in major media outlets reveals just how precarious the state of liberty is at the moment, COVID-19 or no COVID-19. If a police force can invade the home of a 21-year old, launch stun grenades into his basement,…
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