Tag: Jesus Christ


‘Bread and Gold over Mice and Fleas’: Augustine and Aquinas as Proto-Austrians

One need look no further than the Mises Wire (and Hot H2O History, by proxy) to discover the profound–dare I say providential and as such, inevitable–confluence of the best of Catholic thought and the Austrian school of economics. In dual submissions, Connor Mortell highlights just how much St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas discovered truths…
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Doctor of Orthodoxy, Champion of the Faith

As a child, he baptized his friends, only to have the bishop say he did it right. As a deacon, he guarded the Truth of Christ’s full divinity and full humanity. When it was said that the whole world was against him, he responded: “Then I am against the world.” As a bishop and patriarch,…
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Storming the Vatican

Pope Francis is a reprobate and a heretic. He should have been deposed long ago. The Catholic faithful and people of good faith throughout the world really deserve someone who actually has an original thought in his head. We deserve a pope who views Sacred Scripture and Sacred Doctrine not as confining obstacles but rather…
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St. Joseph: Father, Worker, Rebel

He was a skilled carpenter. He wed a woman who was pregnant and not with his child. He travelled with his wife to Bethlehem, and there he witnessed awake what he had only experienced in dreams. He quieted his mind and heart so as to always listen to God and his messengers. He fled to…
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