Tag: Kamala Harris


Mises on the Masses: Market vs. Political Democracy

There sure are a lot of people from very diverse backgrounds and intelligence levels weighing in on the god of ‘democracy’. From actor/podcaster Russell Brand to President of the Western Hemisphere’s greatest recent success story, El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, people are feeling democratic on democracy. On the criminally unintelligent side, one finds Lindsey Graham (who…
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First 100 Days Ear Plug Mandate (and Womandate)

Friends, Romans, Countrymen and Countrywomen of course, do cover your ears (after this brief public service message): It is not by compulsion or coercion, and certainly not by force or violence, but by the dulcet tones and unassailable logos of my rhetoric that I implore you–for your health and sanity–to don ear plugs for the…
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Still President

Is there anything more galling than the media establishment insisting that there are no credible instances of fraud in the election just as the accounts of outright criminality mount to the point of being innumerable? Perhaps Joe Robinette Biden and his sidekick who he advocated should not get bused to a white school, appearing and…
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A Trip Down the Memory Hole on Viruses

Let’s have some fun, acknowledging of course that logic and rhetoric have been dubbed as white supremacist (but what hasn’t already by now?, ex. all those racist cows that keep producing white milk). Odd that the left continues to argue that they own “the science” because: 1) Nothing is more “Western” than science, and 2)…
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