Tag: Libertarian


A Putin’s Progress

It was bound to happen. Once Russian forces invaded Ukraine, figures from both the right and the left fell into their binary, vacuous thought pits. They proceeded to direct Twitter fits at libertarians and anarchists like dear little ol’ me. My response is one to ponder:     So, when both your midwit conservative neighbor…
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FreedomFest Review

Day 1 Sioux Falls is bigger than I expected. Almost 200,000 people. Very nice downtown. Aside from a generally weird, smelly and unhelpful Walgreens clerk, the people are extremely friendly and welcoming. Economy is clearly booming here. Labor shortage is acute, post-Covid hysteria. Restaurants and shops have reduced hours and seating. A lot of very…
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Maryland Hunts Its Citizens with Unaccountable Paramilitary Force

The fact that the murder of Duncan Lemp has garnered so little attention across the country and in major media outlets reveals just how precarious the state of liberty is at the moment, COVID-19 or no COVID-19. If a police force can invade the home of a 21-year old, launch stun grenades into his basement,…
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OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I Will NOT Be Running for PRESIDENT… BUT, Jacob Hornberger Is AND You Should Support Him

The Great Tom Woods is right in asserting “Woods’ Law”; namely, that in our lifetimes, no matter who we vote for at the national level–in Congress, for president–we always end up getting John McCain. No more John McCains! Trump was right to prefer our heroes to not have gotten caught, but let’s go further. Let’s…
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A Libertarian Anthem?

Consider: no envy, no perceived injustice that needs to be rectified because your neighbor is just a little bit taller, a better baller, or has a girl on his phone and calls her. No socialism. Consider: no fear, no trepidation of the other, no desire to make him more civilized with elite tastes and the…
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Mises Institute Libertarian Scholars Conference

Thrilled to attend the Libertarian Scholars Conference in NYC so as to present on history and economics. My paper is entitled, “Fast Balls and Fast Bulbs: The Cause of Reckless Yet Rational Gambling Speculation on American Baseball from 1917-1919 and Dutch Tulips from 1636-1637”.