Tag: Libertarian Party


Michael White, Arkansas-2

In a just, meritocratic world, Michael White wins his race for AR-2 with 100 percent of the vote.  

How to Get Absolutely Pantsed in a Debate–The Impractical Pragmatism of Andy Craig

Whether it was ad hominem attacks, circular logic, post hoc ergo propter hoc or some mixture and variation of several other logical fallacies, Andy Craig (above, right) just got crushed by actual, principled libertarian Dave Smith (above, left) in a debate in which Smith simply deconstructed Craig’s mendacious, slanderous claims about him, and Craig was…
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OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I Will NOT Be Running for PRESIDENT… BUT, Jacob Hornberger Is AND You Should Support Him

The Great Tom Woods is right in asserting “Woods’ Law”; namely, that in our lifetimes, no matter who we vote for at the national level–in Congress, for president–we always end up getting John McCain. No more John McCains! Trump was right to prefer our heroes to not have gotten caught, but let’s go further. Let’s…
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