Tag: libertarianism


Kind of Creeped Out By the FSP

OK, so I have shared with people in the past my admiration for the Free State Project in New Hampshire. The idea itself is marvelous–get a bunch of freedom-loving libertarians to move to a state already friendly to the liberty movement and engender some significant change in advancing free markets for free people. Hell, I…
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On Taxation as Theft

This Wednesday, April 10, Dave Smith welcomes pseudo-intellectual extraordinaire Ben Burgis in studio to discuss the notion of taxation as theft. Given that Smith is the funniest and one of the brightest libertarians around today, I hope that Burgis comes prepared–he’s not going to be in the echo chamber there. I also hope that Rutgers…
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The Fate of the Future: The Prescience of Murray Rothbard

Already, within a week of the launch of Hot H2O History, two subscribers (special shout-out to one emerging and new convert to libertarianism hailing from Milwaukee) have asked, then inquired, then demanded that I address those who are first being exposed to libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism and Austrian economics by offering something of an introduction to it…
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