Tag: Lori Lightfoot


Get MORE Guns on Chicago Streets

Maj Touré is a name most Chicagoans do not know. It is understandable ignorance to a degree, given that he is from Philadelphia. But, Maj Touré ought to be a name familiar to Chicagoans, and New Yorkers; Detroiters and whatever we might call people from Memphis, Cleveland, Miami and any other city in America. The…
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Three Cheers (and Three-Peat) for Corruption

In a city famous for NBA three-peats, the new three-peat that has a much higher probability to continue into a dynasty of sorts, is that Chicago again ranks as the most corrupt city in the United States. And, it is not even close. The University of Illinois list of the most graft-ridden metropoleis in America…
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Left vs. Left

A puzzling conflict rages today. Admittedly, it has been going on for some time now, especially since every Western leftist should be in the course of wild eyed revelry since the Big Bad Orangeman is gone. If you’re not on the modern left of the political spectrum, the quarrel might be hard to notice at…
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The “People’s” Republic of Chicago… And the People Could Not Care Less

When the question–as the question has been framed for not years but decades now–is no longer, “What policies do the differing candidates possess?”, and has instead become, “Which of the candidates is the least corrupt in the robber-cabal?”, or, “Which one is going to be slowest and most inefficient in stealing from me?”, that’s the…
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