Tag: metanoia debate


Metanoia Oxford Debate on the Civil War

*Decide the resolution for the epic, Oxford-style, APUSH debate, pitting APUSH 03 vs. APUSH 09 *Polls close at midnight, December 18, 2019. Gen-Pop Poll APUSH Student Poll Results There are three components/voices determining the nature of the debate, i.e. resolution, PRO/CON sides. They are: 1) General public vote, 2) APUSH Student Only Vote, and 3)…
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Metanoia Debate: America in the 20th-21st Centuries

*Decide the resolution for the epic, Oxford-style, APUSH debate: *Poll closes at midnight, May 7. After the total votes have been tallied, APUSH class members will vote in a separate poll (posted here as well) as to which side PRO or CON they would prefer. **Debate date set for Friday, May 17 (N.B. That is…
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Metanoia Debate: On the Removal of the Lincoln Memorial

Forget all of the hubbub about the decommissioning of Confederate memorials, the Ole Miss basketball team, etc. What about the Lincoln Memorial? Shouldn’t it be decommissioned, and unceremoniously at that? Hear an incredibly insightful debate on the topic here.