Tag: Michael Malice


A President for All Neurotics, Karens, and Big Pharma Execs

Totalitarianism, modern history has shown, usually comes in the form of charismatic leaders whose speeches were, at the very least, consistent and entertaining. I mean, no Nazi left the Nuremburg rallies in 1934 saying, “Well, that was uninspiring!” or “Meh.” No actual fascist departed from a Mussolini speech and turned to their fellow authoritarian and…
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The Difference Between a Minarchist and an Anarchist…

…used to be, as the joke among anarchists went, about six months. Thanks to the great Michael Malice, it has been reduced to the time in which you can get your hands on and read this book. It fills a void. More so, it introduces the thinking and worldviews of the most consequential and persuasive…
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On a Firing

Regarding my termination from Fenwick High School Volte-face is one of those beautiful French expressions with forceful meaning and subtle connotations that are often lost in translation. “About-face” does not do it justice, as when the French utilize the term, there is a sudden and serious abruptness to it; a brisk turning away from what…
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Bizarro World

If you feel out of place today, that is because you are normal. No, not in the derogatory “normie”, “blue-pilled” way, but in the well-adjusted, emotionally-stable, confident human being senses of the term. You have meaningful relationships. You enjoy physical, social interaction even conversation with other human beings. You, like me, detest “Eyes Wide Shut”…
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The “People’s” Republic of Chicago… And the People Could Not Care Less

When the question–as the question has been framed for not years but decades now–is no longer, “What policies do the differing candidates possess?”, and has instead become, “Which of the candidates is the least corrupt in the robber-cabal?”, or, “Which one is going to be slowest and most inefficient in stealing from me?”, that’s the…
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