Tag: music


Conversations with Doctor Thunder, Episode 207

Deep dive into Catholicism, Puritanical influence, music, history, and the difference between active and passive thinkers. Get the book Doctor Thunder is reading right now!  

Watch It Fall: A Lament

“How long until there’s nothing left at all?” This is the season, this is the time of lamentation. I suspect that bluegrass, perhaps along with just the plain old blues, might be the only two musical genres fit to express the sentiments of the remnant of the healthy and the sane, we who are left…
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Be a Saint

Far too long in my life did I rest, ignorant of the wisdom of Hildegard von Bingen. The life of a mystic is both blessed and cursed, but it is a life of extremes. There’s nothing milquetoast or mild if God graces you with visions and insights that move your being, stretch your senses, delight…
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