Tag: New York Times


Not So Funny Business: Is Seinfeld’s New York (Or Chicago) Dead?

All due deference to the man who is the namesake of and one of the geniuses behind the greatest American sit-com about nothing, but in the recent war/argument/discussion/exchange/girly-slapfest over the status and future of New York City, it is hard to award dear Jerry with a win. It was indeed Seinfeld who played a novel,…
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German Cosmologist Questions the Popular Certainty of Climate Change

Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder has gone so far as to demand greater accuracy in the doomsday models on climate change. In short, “the science” is far from “settled”. But, then again, when is it ever? Hear more on the subject from the Bob Murphy Show. Read more, from the New York Times of all places, here.

Creepy Man, Creepy Mustache

  President Trump finally fired a guy who know one knew why he hired in the first place. Hopefully now the administration can go about–I don’t know–ending the LONGEST WAR IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Nearly two decades of protecting thieves, murderers, child rapists, and poppy farmers… You go, U.S. foreign policy establishment!