Tag: Notre Dame


As Notre Dame Burns, CNN (Even More Than Usual) Induces Vomit

How many times are these commentators–including pseudo-Catholic Chris Cuomo–going to trip over themselves to profess that this is “not just a tragedy for Catholics, but people the world over”; that what is lost is a “unifying building for all”?! What empty vessels; what white washed tombstones who parade their faux-intelligence when it is prepped on…
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Oh, So That’s What Intersectionality Means?!

I have long been confused by the term “intersectionality”–mainly because it constitutes nothing but modern cultural Marxist blather–but thanks to the astute and pretentious students (that is an admission requirement) at Notre Dame, I’ve finally figured it out. BuzzFeed is reporting that a mother wrote a letter against female students wearing leggings to Mass. Per…
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