Tag: orthodoxy


Doctor of Orthodoxy, Champion of the Faith

As a child, he baptized his friends, only to have the bishop say he did it right. As a deacon, he guarded the Truth of Christ’s full divinity and full humanity. When it was said that the whole world was against him, he responded: “Then I am against the world.” As a bishop and patriarch,…
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Contra Cupich

What an embarrassment. Blase Cupich is a priest who was CONSTANTLY at the bottom of his seminary classes–and in the era he attended–that Is quite the feat. One had to almost try to be dense in that collection of low wits. Blase Cupich is a bishop who when in Spokane, urged seminarians in his diocese…
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On a Firing

Regarding my termination from Fenwick High School Volte-face is one of those beautiful French expressions with forceful meaning and subtle connotations that are often lost in translation. “About-face” does not do it justice, as when the French utilize the term, there is a sudden and serious abruptness to it; a brisk turning away from what…
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The Skulls of Bishops

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” -St. Athanasius of Alexandria at the Council of Nicaea, 325 A.D. ___________ Outside of Minnesota it seems, at least in the United States, Catholic bishops caved to the state faster than Facebook, Twitter et al. cave to FBI, CIA and NSA security information requests.…
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