Tag: political economy


My Fourth of July with Per Bylund

Long gone are the previous American Independence days when I naively participated in all of the practices that bespoke of true American patriotism. Sure, barbeques are still good. Fireworks, ok. Seeing Old Glory everywhere–fine. Parades are still horrible. But, all of the attendant feelings I was supposed to experience and honestly wanted to believe, have…
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The New World Order is on the Way

Ray Dalio performed a great service here. While no one can be expected to hit all of the points, and Dalio can be faulted for some glaring assumptions–such as presuming that prosperity comes with the essential coordination of government, lenders, and entrepreneurs–he does successfully summarize the historical record as it pertains to world order cycles.…
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Kingpin Economic Justice

Hard to believe it has been 25 years since the Farrelly Brothers’ comedy Kingpin graced the screen. In a fit of nostalgia for some 90s laughs, I watched it last week. Most of it was still funny. As expected, everything that Bill Murray did and said within that movie as antagonist extraordinaire, “Big Ern” McCraken, is…
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