Tag: pope


Owning the Earthly Goalposts and the Next Frontier

What is the left, left to do? When you own the culture—and everybody knows it, and as conservatives are left to watch the train as it has already left the station–new boundaries have to be drawn, goalposts moved. Progressives still have to be the bold, counter-cultural ones though. Remember when it was audacious to put…
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Honoring Bergoglio

From the National Catholic Register’s Edward Pentin, Francis is “honored” to be criticized by, you know, ORTHODOX American CATHOLICS. I’m pleased to “honor” him over and over again: for his negligence of office, his distaste for theology(!), his aiding and sheltering of abusers, his heterodoxy and socialism, his ridiculously thin-skin… So here’s to you, Caudillo-Pope.…
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