Tag: science


‘Catholic Supremacists’ Are Creepy and Dumb

It was with considerable doubt that I read in Tom Woods’s The Church and the Market that he dedicated and targeted the work to traditional Catholics who had, from his point of view, erred in embracing redistributionist ideals that, if taken to their logical conclusion, amounted to outright socialism. I had not encountered such people.…
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And Now, Covidian: Nazi Comps Are Not Lazy Anymore

Almost without exception, Nazi analogies are lazy and generally inaccurate. But leave it to the Covid totalitarian-hysterics of our time to make them relevant again. It’s not just the marking with masks and the segregation of children in school. Here’s the New Zealand prime minister saying your life as you know it has basically ended…
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Chappelle or Incel

There is a stark benefit to living today. It’s more clear than ever who constitute the evil, the malevolent, the Puritanical, and the mad. They are almost univocally in masks, lapping up any report from CNN, uncritically claiming ownership of the ‘science’, and unable to recognize that Australia is a totalitarian penal colony yet again.…
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A Trip Down the Memory Hole on Viruses

Let’s have some fun, acknowledging of course that logic and rhetoric have been dubbed as white supremacist (but what hasn’t already by now?, ex. all those racist cows that keep producing white milk). Odd that the left continues to argue that they own “the science” because: 1) Nothing is more “Western” than science, and 2)…
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German Cosmologist Questions the Popular Certainty of Climate Change

Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder has gone so far as to demand greater accuracy in the doomsday models on climate change. In short, “the science” is far from “settled”. But, then again, when is it ever? Hear more on the subject from the Bob Murphy Show. Read more, from the New York Times of all places, here.