Tag: socialism


‘Catholic Supremacists’ Are Creepy and Dumb

It was with considerable doubt that I read in Tom Woods’s The Church and the Market that he dedicated and targeted the work to traditional Catholics who had, from his point of view, erred in embracing redistributionist ideals that, if taken to their logical conclusion, amounted to outright socialism. I had not encountered such people.…
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Bizarro World

If you feel out of place today, that is because you are normal. No, not in the derogatory “normie”, “blue-pilled” way, but in the well-adjusted, emotionally-stable, confident human being senses of the term. You have meaningful relationships. You enjoy physical, social interaction even conversation with other human beings. You, like me, detest “Eyes Wide Shut”…
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Collective Moral High Ground is About An Inch from Hell

Haven’t we had enough of this thing already? The pseudo-cure and hysteria rising from it are certainly worse than the virus. Quarantines have NEVER proven to be successful in combating pandemics. Add to the imposed isolation economic misery, supply downturns, mass unemployment and governments blowing up their currencies, well, how long can the ruling class…
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Spengler, Stantz, Zeddemore and Venkman Were Right… What If We’re Wrong?!

Then, it won’t be Slimer or Zuul, the Gate Keeper or the Key Master who end up in the trap. This COVID-19 thing is an unwarranted hysteria that governments local, provincial, national–the world over have created. I mean, how many times do the mass media outlets have to echo the same talking points until someone…
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Frédéric Bastiat and the State-breakers

Brilliant. Consistent. Principled. As a true liberal or libertarian of today’s stripes, Frédéric Bastiat warred against the state in 19th France wherein there were few allies for him to find. He was to liberty what Jimmy Hendrix was to American rock-and-roll; a virtuoso who died way too young. Still, he lives on though his masterpieces.…
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Capitalism is the Crane-Kick to Socialism’s Cobra (Kai) Effect

Regarding the unintended and not-so-unintended consequences of public, state action, Foundation for Economic Education scholars Antony Davies and James Harrigan discuss the Cobra Effect from colonial India, air pollution in Mexico, and oil production (or lack thereof) in Venezuela. No time to read the whole piece? Check out the ineffable Seamus Coughlin’s great cartoon on…
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Cuba, Communism and Christus Rex

  This is a good homily from a great priest, who meets Christ’s people where they are. My comments/points of clarification on it follow: Communism is never directed–by its nature–toward the preferential option for the poor, toward authentic charity, toward true Christian freedom, toward Christ Himself Who was killed by a totalitarian regime. Its essence…
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Mises v. Marx: AIER Just Put Out Some Amazing Stuff

The brilliance of these pieces: a rap video, a post rap video analysis of the winner, and then a sardonic yet accurate review of Marx the economist… It’s all here for you: 3 red pills–might want to take one at a time.   

Poor Veruca Salt and Salt Water Around the World

Have you ever seen anything as scary as this? A poor, mentally unstable, on-the-spectrum teenager so indoctrinated with false apocalyptic blather that she damns all of humanity? This is the definition of morbid. She’s crazy spoiled, like Veruca Salt–and just plain crazy too. Thanks be to God for Andrew Bolt down under… for Anna:  

A Libertarian Anthem?

Consider: no envy, no perceived injustice that needs to be rectified because your neighbor is just a little bit taller, a better baller, or has a girl on his phone and calls her. No socialism. Consider: no fear, no trepidation of the other, no desire to make him more civilized with elite tastes and the…
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