Tag: socialism


Honoring Bergoglio

From the National Catholic Register’s Edward Pentin, Francis is “honored” to be criticized by, you know, ORTHODOX American CATHOLICS. I’m pleased to “honor” him over and over again: for his negligence of office, his distaste for theology(!), his aiding and sheltering of abusers, his heterodoxy and socialism, his ridiculously thin-skin… So here’s to you, Caudillo-Pope.…
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The Persecution of Jussie Smollett

Oh, the terrible injussieness–sorry injustice–of the whole episode! How long really could the Socialist Republic of Cook and its capital, Chicago, carry on this persecution of poor Jussie without recognizing that the rule of law is so dead and buried here that a black, homosexual actor would have to receive some sort of preferential treatment…
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The “People’s” Republic of Chicago… And the People Could Not Care Less

When the question–as the question has been framed for not years but decades now–is no longer, “What policies do the differing candidates possess?”, and has instead become, “Which of the candidates is the least corrupt in the robber-cabal?”, or, “Which one is going to be slowest and most inefficient in stealing from me?”, that’s the…
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