Tag: SoHo Forum


The Empire Has Been Good For No One

If there is one lesson from history that does repeat itself instead of just rhyme, it is that imperialism kills civilizations. It turns out, electing force instead of voluntary engagement is not just catastrophically expensive; it also carries with it enormous moral hazard for the perpetrators. This has been the core message of the great…
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FreedomFest Review

Day 1 Sioux Falls is bigger than I expected. Almost 200,000 people. Very nice downtown. Aside from a generally weird, smelly and unhelpful Walgreens clerk, the people are extremely friendly and welcoming. Economy is clearly booming here. Labor shortage is acute, post-Covid hysteria. Restaurants and shops have reduced hours and seating. A lot of very…
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Birzer, Woods, Richied… Great Historians Think Alike on Early Republic

In case you thought my analysis of the Early American Republic was too “unique” even for me, listen here to historians Brad Birzer and Tom Woods present a very Richied-esque take on American history. Want more? You should check out their Liberty Classroom. If not, continue to be a dimwitted socialist–oops, sorry for being redundant.…
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