Tag: Thaddeus Russell


The Armchair

One of the clear benefits of our formerly prestigious institutions crumbling due to the tyranny of subterranean standards is that the credentials and imprimaturs they dole out carry little to no weight. Ponder for a moment: Thanks to affirmative action injustices, does anyone walking around with a “B.A.” or “B.S.” (initials more appropriate than ever)…
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Down with the Institutionalists

Leave it to American people storming their own legislative building to get Lindsay Graham, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell to clutch their pearls and scurry into underground tunnels for safety. Why–this is the greatest affront to American democracy… ever! They may have a point, especially when you consider how Mitch and company define…
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Cancel Culture is Cancelling Culture… Gleefully

Gone are the once-thought-to-be horrible days when the left-cathedral excommunicated individuals. This was all of the past three decades up to about three months ago. Those burned at the progressive auto-da-fes are too numerous to mention. Some standouts: Robert Bork (thanks Joe Biden), James Damore, David Daleiden, Jordan Peterson and other college professors slightly to…
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The Dogged (Actual) Liberal: Deirdre McCloskey

Her historical perspective has been pointed and consistent even as her gender identification has not. The brilliant and endlessly insightful Deirdre McCloskey has released her new book, really a collection of fine essays, which tackles the questions of real wealth creation, British imperialism and the Great Enrichment–a period of history in which we are truly…
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Elk Deer and How Women Love Us for OUR Racks

True master of several arts: history, philosophy, podcasting, martial and (almost there in…) economics–Thaddeus Russell just posted his interview with the sublime Warren Farrell, hated truth-teller. Topics covered include gender roles, parenting, developmental psychology, the history of women’s and men’s liberation (former is much more storied and longer than the latter), the Cold War and…
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Renegade University, Renegade History

Thaddeus Russell is the best historian in the United States and quite possibly the world. Unabashed, undeterred, Russell challenges the often just plain wrong history fed to us from cognizance to death. Case in point: Find an American who even fathoms the legitimacy of American involvement in World War II. Spoiler: you will fail. And…
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