Tag: Ukraine



This chapter of deflection theater has to be the most pathetic yet. Congress appears to be in bipartisan support of railing against TikTok, condemning it as the source of all ills. Ban it, the sops say. It is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party! The company spies on Americans. It manipulates the appetites of…
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Kish Me Once, Kish Me Twice

*As published on the Mises Wire w/Audio Mises Wire. Kish, since you are wondering, is an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf famed for its tourist and shopping attractions. It is becoming a serious rival to other nearby vacation hubs in Doha and Dubai. Along with pristine beaches and extensive malls, Kish is–or more so…
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Every Little Thing He Does is Tragic

Leftists suffer from a lack of patience. Even as they attempt to remake society and refashion the mass’s tastes, preferences, and predilections while safeguarding already stolen wealth for themselves–reality ends up setting in and reality bites. It kicks them in the face, for their fanciful dreams of kleptocratic utopia are naturally at odds with nature,…
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A Putin’s Progress

It was bound to happen. Once Russian forces invaded Ukraine, figures from both the right and the left fell into their binary, vacuous thought pits. They proceeded to direct Twitter fits at libertarians and anarchists like dear little ol’ me. My response is one to ponder:     So, when both your midwit conservative neighbor…
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To Russia With Love: An Open Letter to Vladimir Putin

Dear Mr. Putin, It was with some considerable alarm today–although I must admit now that it seems foolish to me even as I write it–that I greeted my day with the distinct displeasure of turning on the American cable news networks. How could I expect anything but an admixture of nausea and frustration? Unfortunately, it…
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A President for All Neurotics, Karens, and Big Pharma Execs

Totalitarianism, modern history has shown, usually comes in the form of charismatic leaders whose speeches were, at the very least, consistent and entertaining. I mean, no Nazi left the Nuremburg rallies in 1934 saying, “Well, that was uninspiring!” or “Meh.” No actual fascist departed from a Mussolini speech and turned to their fellow authoritarian and…
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Film Review: Mr. Jones (2019)

The central character in Agnieszka Holland’s riveting account of the Ukrainian Holodomor is pursued by intrepid journalist Gareth Jones but the desired interviewee nonetheless never makes a genuine appearance. Such is fitting as the crux of the issue and the cause of the events addressed in Mr. Jones are not the makings of just one man–no…
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