Tag: United States History


Paul Johnson, Requiescat in Pace

Paul Johnson is dead at 94. He contributed to the only United States History survey textbook that I ever found palatable. It took the eloquent stylings and dogged scholarship of a man, not trained as a professional historian, to show the schooled of the discipline just how to do it right. Johnson’s Modern Times (1984)…
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Metanoia Debate: America in the 20th-21st Centuries

*Decide the resolution for the epic, Oxford-style, APUSH debate: *Poll closes at midnight, May 7. After the total votes have been tallied, APUSH class members will vote in a separate poll (posted here as well) as to which side PRO or CON they would prefer. **Debate date set for Friday, May 17 (N.B. That is…
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Summary of United States History–In 5 Paragraphs…

American history in the smallest of nutshells… The Colonial Era, Independence and Constitution, 1550-1789 After exploring North America, the Spanish, French and English engaged in a establishing colonies. Following the establishment, in a haphazard way, of ultimately thirteen unique colonies along the East Coast, the English emerged as triumphant over the French and their Indian…
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