Tag: violence


Ryan Rogers

I did not know Ryan Rogers. I’ve never met his family. He lived over 1300 miles away from me. For all of my ignorance of who Ryan was, I know one thing: That picture above is of a beautiful, sweet boy. That beautiful sweet boy was murdered on the night of November 15, just a…
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While Greta Was Away…

So, what has been going on in dear Greta’s homeland while she’s been ditching school excoriating the rest of humanity for daring to raise themselves out of abject poverty? A Swedish mother carrying her 1-year old was shot in the head. Radicalized Muslim gangs have taken over significant cities in the country and engaged in…
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Owning the Earthly Goalposts and the Next Frontier

What is the left, left to do? When you own the culture—and everybody knows it, and as conservatives are left to watch the train as it has already left the station–new boundaries have to be drawn, goalposts moved. Progressives still have to be the bold, counter-cultural ones though. Remember when it was audacious to put…
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