Tag: war


Notes and Review of STALIN’S WAR

My notes follow (along with an interview from RUN YOUR MOUTH) from an epic book and epic read–on just how much the history establishment has gotten wrong, or more so, what it has purposefully done to communicate and indoctrinate in the service of modern regimes, a limited at best–apocryphal at worst–understanding of World War II.…
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Every Little Thing He Does is Tragic

Leftists suffer from a lack of patience. Even as they attempt to remake society and refashion the mass’s tastes, preferences, and predilections while safeguarding already stolen wealth for themselves–reality ends up setting in and reality bites. It kicks them in the face, for their fanciful dreams of kleptocratic utopia are naturally at odds with nature,…
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A Putin’s Progress

It was bound to happen. Once Russian forces invaded Ukraine, figures from both the right and the left fell into their binary, vacuous thought pits. They proceeded to direct Twitter fits at libertarians and anarchists like dear little ol’ me. My response is one to ponder:     So, when both your midwit conservative neighbor…
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The Empire Has Been Good For No One

If there is one lesson from history that does repeat itself instead of just rhyme, it is that imperialism kills civilizations. It turns out, electing force instead of voluntary engagement is not just catastrophically expensive; it also carries with it enormous moral hazard for the perpetrators. This has been the core message of the great…
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Fear that Flatlines the Patient: The Rooseveltian Oath= Do All Harm

How weak is a civilization that the free functioning of people and their commerce can be crippled, and perhaps in the end destroyed, by hapless morons parading their power yet simultaneously revealing their incompetence? The backdrop is a manufactured pandemic that pseudo-intellectuals assert–based on flawed World Health Organization numbers–is more virulent and deadly than the…
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Hawks By Any Other Name and Clothing

“Soleimani” from the Farsi via the Arabic means “man of peace”. I don’t know what “Trump” means from Old Nordic, nor do I much care. What I do care about, and the rest of the world ought to care about, is that these men and their aggressor cronies, vacuous neo-cons and lap-dog yes-men talk about…
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Creepy Man, Creepy Mustache

  President Trump finally fired a guy who know one knew why he hired in the first place. Hopefully now the administration can go about–I don’t know–ending the LONGEST WAR IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Nearly two decades of protecting thieves, murderers, child rapists, and poppy farmers… You go, U.S. foreign policy establishment!