The Anti-Graduation Speech

The Anti-Graduation Speech

       Since we are, due to our shared human nature, of equal dignity in the eyes of God, each one of us loved into existence and life of exponentially greater worth than the most brilliant star and—for that matter, the entire inanimate universe itself—I refrain today from the expected and altogether banal greetings of the supposed “dignitaries” here. In point of fact, the president and principal, board of trustees and school administrators, along with most of the teachers have had little to no positive influence or contribution to the success or personal achievements of the graduating class here assembled. In point of speculation—albeit grounded in the best recent research on the inferno that is modern schooling—you all most likely inhibited the intellectual growth, stunted the natural curiosity, and trivialized the spiritual life of these innocent men and women turned automatons. Your valedictorian displayed all of the characteristics of an intellectual sycophant slave when he thanked all of you and then bored us with absurd generalities about this class’s collective past, present and future. Talk about Stockholm syndrome! No mention of God, religion, metaphysics—you know, the truly big and important stuff. I speak to you today since you have granted me the opportunity to do so, an invitation that the powers that be most surely wish they could instantaneously rescind, (cue the mic cutoff?) to address the big stuff. Guaranteed here: A complete absence of cliches like, “Be the future you want to see,” or “Never, never give up.” 1. You can’t be the future—it’s in the future! And, 2. Determining when to give up is a central component to the prudent exercise of one’s intellect. An example: you should all give up intersectional hypersensitivity about your identity, race, ethnicity, gender, preference of Prairie school architecture to the brutalist school, bananas over apples, et cetera. It is all bullshit, mostly about constructs, and entirely subjective so no one really gives a shit.
      I digressed there for a moment—a worthy digression but one nonetheless. Back to the big stuff and a particular topic that warrants your attention now that I’ve secured it; namely, angels. You did hear me correctly—angels. Sadly, we don’t hear much about angels in the West today which constitutes a sort of pan-censorship, a real cultural blackout which is ironically and utterly demonic. A healthy angelology puts us into our proper place, and I mean that in the most positive of ways. Angels are non-corporeal, i.e. non-bodied pure spirits very much unlike the big-boned (pace Cartman from South Park) or pleasantly plump cherubs you see on toilet paper wrapping. They have prodigious power and sundry capacities. They are fearsome. They are brilliant beyond human measure. They are warriors for God.
      Knowing of the existence and then contemplating the nature of these truly heavenly bodies places us in the proper ontological hierarchy of being. (Note here: As hot as the eponymous Victoria’s Secret models were about a decade ago, Victoria Secret is no longer featuring those same models at present. As Gruncle Stan from the cartoon Gravity Falls sagaciously pointed out, “Bodies change, bodies change.”) About the hierarchy, there is of course God at the top, the Unmoved Mover, the Uncaused Cause, pure act, omniscient and omnipotent; eternal and impassible outside of the Incarnation, pace St. Athanasius. As a historian, it is not hard to find examples of people and peoples assigning to themselves divine attributes–a popular one today is shape-shifting, i.e. gender-shifting–and then acting un-accordingly. Disaster soon and always follows. Look at the 20th century alone: from the Bolsheviks to the progressives and neo-cons in America, the elites are playing God and the rest of us are expendable slaves to their ghastly missions. When not playing the divine, not just the elites but the rest of the spiritually bankrupt play the angel and become the demon, or as Blaise Pascal brilliantly put it: “Man who plays the angel always ends up acting the beast.” This was as true in Nazi Germany as it is today for Planned Parenthood and NARAL: In order to advance the chosen Aryan race to make manifest a better world, in order to preserve–more so fabricate–a world without inconvenient encumbrances like children, well Moloch needs to be fed and “doctors” end up donning the costumes of the angels of death. They, they–not God or his righteous angels–wield the sword, the gun, and the scalpel. They mark the doorposts with human blood, but never their own, of course. Lucifer, it is said, likes nothing more than for men to admit not of his existence. I disagree. While he certainly revels in that, Satan rejoices and beams at making men demonic by having them espouse the “lead rule” opposite the “golden” (i.e. it’s so heavy it brings you to hell): Hate God with all your heart and treat your neighbor as expendable.
      So humans–my brothers and sisters–here and in purgatory: BE HUMAN. Don’t aspire to the angel or behave like the beast. Be the corporeal, rational, powerful yet needy, loved yet wounded creatures and images of the Divine Master. Let’s again be true students at the Rabbi above-all-other-rabbis’ feet Who so loved the world that he entered into it in our nature, not to make us angels but to unite us with Him. Listen attentively to all He said and says; namely, happiness is wholeness and holiness. My Life is how you attain it all.
     One last thing: Jesus made no mistake in equating the operatives of the Roman state and the demons of the possessed man. They were “legion”. God made us free: the state is in other hands, no, claws. To be free, extricate yourselves from its traps, its spells, its lures, its chains= public schooling, legal plunder, unending wars, sick rituals, and obligatory allegiance. In short, be a temporal anarchist and an eternal, heavenly statist. Be free!
     I thank none of you.

In saecula saeculorum, εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων,


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