The Compromise of 2021

The Compromise of 2021

Just switch the flags in height or remove Old Glory altogether.

Evoking decades past in which compromise saved the republic (1820, 1832, 1850), let’s go ahead with hastening the inevitable and propose that Texans get what Texans want, and Texas becomes an independent state once again. The glory days of 1836-1845.

Impractical? Never going to happen? Think again.

Listen to two recent podcasts from the Tom Woods Show on secession; one stars the host and the great Brion McClanahan and the other features Daniel Miller of the Texas Nationalist Movement:

Mr. Miller has an innovative idea: Since Democrats overwhelmingly want Washington D.C. to shed its federal district, Constitutional status, we should let Texas regain its original essence.

Let’s call it, the Compromise of 2021.

Texas gets its lone star back, and the District of Columbia can take Texas’s old one on the flag.


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