The Difference Between a Minarchist and an Anarchist…

The Difference Between a Minarchist and an Anarchist…

…used to be, as the joke among anarchists went, about six months.

Thanks to the great Michael Malice, it has been reduced to the time in which you can get your hands on and read this book.

It fills a void. More so, it introduces the thinking and worldviews of the most consequential and persuasive of anarchists along the anarchy spectrum. Lysander Spooner, Louis Lingg, Murray Rothbard, and Emma Goldman were all of the best of the best shit starters in their respective days. What they had in common was disdain for the extant establishment and political order.

As I texted with a friend just days ago about the book, our world has (unfortunately) become too “sophisticated”, too atheistic, and too in point of fact, demonic to ponder “What would Jesus do?” Is there still time to move minds to contemplate, given our current predicament, “What would Louis Lingg do?” I sure hope so. In fact, I am banking my very outlook on people answering that question correctly so as to move them back to consider the divine.

Returning to the profane for a moment, here in the awful state of Illinois, the criminals in charge of the current monopoly on violence in Springfield seem to be writing their own review for Malice’s book. That is to say that, they are proving the anarchists’ points. The system needs to be smashed.

Let me illustrate the point just with pictures that would make Hans-Herman Hoppe belly laugh.

Here’s the Iowa state legislative map:

And now, here’s the Illinois map:

In one, the district shapes are generally uniform; the other, anything but. It’s as if one party state corporatist rule in the latter has allowed a perpetual oligarchy to dominate. Ha, democracy at work!

Conservatives appeal to courts with judges appointed by adamant progressives. They appeal to justice and the rule of law. Good luck with that.

135 years ago, as Malice and his posthumous company show, the Haymarketers were much more in the right, even in a time of less actual thievery and plunder. Harbingers indeed.

Actual bombs did not work then, especially when thrown by Marxists. They will certainly not work now–it would take the corporatist state about 10 minutes to have their board members alongside Department of Education officials taking “How to Spot a Non-Statist Among Us” classes. Look out you Gadsden flag waving hicks.

The real key is to point out not just the inefficiencies and crimes of the state–that seems to just produce further apathy. Instead, ala Rothbard, it is crucial strike the serpent at its head; namely, it’s legitimacy and claims to it.



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